Driven Partridges
Ultimate Expression of Small Game
Partridge drive shooting is certainly the main attraction of small game in Spain. It is worldwide known that the dream of every gun is the challenge of a covey of partridges flying swiftly in over the butt. No other bird game can provide such excitement.
It is at the end of the 19th Century when partridge drives appear in Spain, reigning King Alphonse XIII, the best shooter of the time and the driving force behind this modality. In the early 1920´s this sport was already very popular within the most important spanish estates.
We have been shooting partridges in Quintanar for the last four generations. The property, holding centenary shrub oaks, gall oaks, pines, junipers and a varied orography broken by gullies, offer a changing landscape and a wide range of shooting situations making every drive different. Quintanar is a unique and privileged place for partridge shooting.
The special characteristics of Quintanar allow us to hunt throughout the whole year, with no calendar limitations.